Privacy policy

The Data Protection ACT 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set out requirements for the use and processing of your data. The following explains how your data will be used and our compliance with legislation. Vote Hafeez acts as a data processor in line with definitions in the General Data Protection Regulations. We have an appointed Data Protection Officer.

For all queries relating to Data Protection please contact Vote Hafeez on

Lawful Processing of data

Vote Hafeez is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) to holds data relevant to the service we provide. Personal data is held under GDPR for the following reasons:

  • Contract – the processing of your data is necessary to fulfil therapy services offered.

  • Legal Obligation – the processing of your data is necessary to meet the legal obligations related to your compensation claim.

We use data to plan and implement the service, and to improve service delivery and effectiveness. We use data to support compliance with all regulatory requirements. We use personal data to maintain staff and beneficiary safety. We use data for marketing and promotion of Vote Hafeez.

We are not involved in the large-scale processing of personal data. Personal data is used only to provide a dedicated service.

Data that we collect

Where we are requested to provide a service to a user we may collect and process the following information about them (with their consent):

  • Full Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender

  • Address

  • Home or mobile telephone number

  • Occupation

  • Opinion data

By providing personal information directly to Vote Hafeez, you are agreeing to the processing of that information for the purposes for which it was given.

Sharing of the Data we collect

The data collected will only be shared with the explicit agreement of the individual.


We are required to inform you of sub-processors that we use in the processing and storage of your data. The sub-processors we use and location of their privacy policies are:

Microsoft –

Google mail and G-Suite –

Zoom –

What’s App –

Data Processing Safeguards

In line with GDPR the Vote Hafeez data protection policy is available on request. This details our process in the event of a data breach. Our data protection risk assessment is reviewed yearly. We only use software from accredited sources.

Right to Access, Erasure, Correction and Transfer

Individuals have the right to request access to their records; this is called a subject access request. A subject access request can be made by email to

Individuals have the right to request erasure and correction of their data, or transfer to another data controller. 

We do not sell data to other recipients, we do not transfer data outside of the UK.

Retention Period

The retention period for a record is 7 years from the point it is received by Vote Hafeez. At this time all records, paper and electronic will be destroyed. 

Website use

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors.

By visiting the website and submitting information on the contact form you agree that we can use your personal data as described in the privacy policy. When you contact us through the contact form we collect your name, email address, telephone number and any additional information you provide.

Our website may include links to third party websites. This privacy policy does not extend to third party websites. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners or operators of any third party site and recommend that you view the privacy policy for each site you visit.


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Our website uses cookies to provide users with the most relevant and useful information about our services and to help our website run effectively. For more information about cookies we use, please read our cookie policy.

Our privacy policy is reviewed periodically. Please check back regularly to view our latest version.

May 2024

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