Policy areas

Know where I stand (for you)

  • Starmer's assertion that Israel has the right to shut off essential services to Palestinians is regarded as a war crime by courts around the world. This statement, seen by many as a departure from Labour's historical commitment to justice and equality, rightly drew widespread condemnation.

    I stand firmly for an ethical foreign policy that prioritises peace, justice, and human rights on the global stage. I will work to ensure that our government takes a principled stance on international issues, including standing firmly against the genocide in Palestine, the fight of Kashmiri people for self-determination, opposing imperialism, and offering sanctuary to all those who are devastated by unnecessary British military action around the world.

  • My work in the Criminal Justice System has provided me with an insight into rising crime rates, which underscore the failure of policies to address its root causes and provide adequate resources for law enforcement and community safety initiatives. The lack of investment in crime prevention strategies and rehabilitation programmes exacerbates social tensions and perpetuates cycles of criminal behaviour.

  • As your MP, I will always fight for greater access to housing, including private, affordable, and social housing, to ensure that everyone in our community has the dignity of a roof over their heads. I will continue to fight for improved standards of housing for tenants.

  • I have recently experienced, with an elderly family member, the effect of an 18-20 hour wait at a local Accident & Emergency Department. Delayed ambulance services and prolonged medical appointments are a direct result of government cuts. One of my top priorities is to advocate for a better National Health Service. This includes reducing waiting lists, ensuring better pay for the nursing sector, and improving overall healthcare access and quality for residents of Birmingham Hall Green & Moseley. Unfortunately, Labour will continue with the same direction of travel as the Torys.

  • I believe in a fair and inclusive education system that provides equal opportunities for all children. As your representative, I will push for a revision of university tuition fees and advocate for policies that support free school meals and address inequalities in our education system. Deteriorating educational standards reflect a systemic failure to invest in our children's future, resulting in substandard learning environments and limited opportunities for academic growth. Every child deserves access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

  • I am committed to helping those in need and ensuring that our social welfare system provides adequate support for the most vulnerable members of our community. This includes advocating for measures to tackle homelessness, address poverty, and promote social inclusion. No-one should be left behind, and I will fight for policies that uplift and empower every resident of Birmingham Hall Green & Mosley.

  • I am committed to fighting to bring the railways back into public ownership as franchises expire, as privatisation has repeatedly failed over the past 40 years, and the publicly-run East Coast Main Line proved how efficient and profitable the nationalised model can be. I promote the concept of the clean-air zone, however I will argue for additional support for those in deprived areas, who are most affected by the charges. This could be a subsidy on public transport or funding schemes for replacement of vehicles.

  • I support the Green New Deal, which sets out the path for the UK to meet its commitments to stay within 1.5 degrees of global heating. This proposal will create legally binding targets to cut emissions, reduce inequality and reverse environmental damage. If elected as an MP I will advocate for the Green New Deal.

  • I will also advocate for the utility companies to be brought back into public hands, including energy and water companies, and will push to reverse the decision to privatise Royal Mail.

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